Policy On Posting Picks/Warnings About Members Who Post Outrageous Wagers & Don't Keep Accurate Won-Loss Records

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Mar 20, 2009
To Members Who May Follow Other Posters:

Please be wary of members who post plays that may seem unrealistic to most bettors.

These Are Some Examples:
100 Dime Play Of The Week
5,000* Star Play
Lock Of The Year

Please pay special attention to cappers/posters who do not update their YTD record regularly, who do not include money/units won/lost as well as juice lost from their total plays in their record, or those who come out of nowhere with claims of a winning record that has not been posted or documented here at TheRx.

Many posters will hype their plays in their thread title, yet don't update their record and in turn could have an overall losing record if it was indeed tracked.

Simply put, if a poster does not track and post their overall record with included units won/lost, they COULD be hiding something, and it's not fair to those of you who do follow to not have an overall and fair picture to base your opinions on whether or not you decide to follow for any specific day, night, or season.

To all Cappers who post picks here at The Rx.com:

Sometimes some of the pick threads get out of hand regarding thread titles, undocumented claims, and are much to shill like.

Please adhere to the following simple policies when posting picks. (I know most of the veteran cappers here at The Rx already know this)

1. Make no claims that have not been verified by a post prior to the start of each game in the claim that has not been recorded by a post here at The Rx.com.

2. Keep your thread titles reasonable (or they may get toned down by an edit by an Rx mod). Eg. Sunday's NCAA Hoop selection or Today's NBA Picks etc. are what we are looking for.
There is no need for posting outrageous claims or creating thread titles that contain undocumented records with ridiculous amounts of units played.

3. Keep in mind that a lot of inexperienced players read your posts. Please and make pick posts clear, concise and accurate so that all can count on the Rx cappers to post accurate information. Unverified posted records are subject to being moved to Site Promotions.

4. Everyone has a bad day from time to time, please do not start your YTD record over if you have one. Post your YTD record if you want but be honest when you do and kindly always use widely available lines.

Thank you, Rx. Mod Staff.

Mar 20, 2009
Posters - PLEASE show each other at least a small amount of courtesy when posting in any of The Rx.com Sport Forums
Bickering and ridicule gets tiresome, counter productive.

All of you are here to try to beat your bookies, not each other

Please try your best to help each other or if you can't do that than kindly leave well enough alone posters who you may disagree with.

Bashing another poster in his or her own picks-thread will not be tolerated.

The Rx.com moderator team is depending upon you posters to report bashing. abusive posting and un-called for criticism or ridicule in any of our Sport Forums by using the "Report a Post" icon at the bottom left of all post boxes.

Violators will be warned and receive points

Eventually multiple offenders who have been warned on several occasions will be banned from the site indefinitely.

Please use the "Report a Post" icon to report any bashing or out of line posting that either happens to you or any you see happening to others - it will be greatly appreciated by The Rx.com Moderator team as well as the poster being abused. Reports will be acted upon promptly and with complete discretion. Simply click on the triangular icon at the bottom left-hand corner of all Rx.com post boxes.

When posters assist each other in such a manner then there is little chance that a poster will be on the receiving end of unfair bashing or abusive posting for very long.

Thanks, TheRx Mod Team
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